Monday, January 12, 2015

Akodara - the first digital village in India

Indian Bank Icici Bank directs a portion of their income to charity. One of the new projects of this financial institution is to turn the remote rural communities of the state of Gujarat in technological development town, 'digital' village.

first digital village in aisia

One of the main ideas of the ruling, aimed at overcoming the generalized poverty in the poorest countries of the world, offers to provide more people with computers and Internet access. It is not only the standard of living in the country affects the development of modern technologies in it, there is also a reverse process. And India - a good example.

It is not just the rich city of Bangalore, which, thanks to a highly IT-industry called the "Silicon Valley of India". Similar processes take place across the country - the universal penetration of digital technology can significantly raise the standard of living even the poorest people.

Realizing this, the Indian Bank Icici Bank decided to hold a charity experiment, in which the rural community in Gujarat Akodara gradually turns into a "digital" village.

Icici Bank has provided all the inhabitants of the village access to the Internet has given them the opportunity to bank accounts and use them online. All calculations in Akodare now held exclusively in non-cash form.

With access to a global network, the residents of this village can receive distance education at all levels, as well as primary medical advice from doctors practicing in urban clinics.

The introduction of these innovations allowed the authors to the idea of ​​"digital" village claim that with today's technology they were able to negate the boundary between urban and rural areas, to allow residents of even the most poor and remote village all the features possessed by the inhabitants of multimillion cities.