Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pedometer Fitstep see to your physical activity and calories burned

Recently gaining popularity various wearable devices for fitness - smart watches, bracelets, etc. Today we tell you about the pedometer. The pedometer counts how many steps you've gone for the day, and some models also consider the manufacturer and the number of calories burned.

Smart Watches

Why and who need a device for counting steps?

First of all, the people who lead a sedentary life and want to move more. Pedometer warn you if today you burned low in calories, and it takes to get out for a jog or just walk out of transport for a couple of stops early, to go the distance on foot.
Interesting fact: Pedometers started in high demand just now, although coined pedometer for a long time, in the 19th century. The inventor of this type of device is considered to Thomas Jefferson (3rd President of the United States).

Also pedometer helps you make better to plot their workouts and other physical activity. Regular physical activity helps to keep the body in good shape (especially the heart and blood vessels), as well as lose weight.

Ftiness Tips
Pedometer Fitstep

Today we got to review one of the most simple and inexpensive options - Fitstep pedometer with calorie counter. In retail, this device costs 900-1000 rubles, which distinguishes it from its analogues, which cost starts at 1,500 rubles and reaches 5-10 thousand. Pedometer for. Try to understand whether Fitstep suitable for use or is it worth to part with large sums of his blood.

This pedometer pendulum type, which counts the steps built into the expense of the pendulum. At each step, the pendulum oscillates, allowing the device to fix the electronic brain and your movements.

Hence the feature of this pedometer - that he counted the steps, it should be worn on the clip in your pocket or in a vertical position, otherwise the pendulum will not fix the steps. However, this causes no inconvenience because Fitstep equipped with convenient clip for attaching to clothing or belt.

The second feature - a pedometer has a built-in protection from accidental operation. For example, when you go to a truck - the pedometer will not count braking and acceleration, as well as road pits and bumps as steps. But there is a downside: Fitstep does not recognize the slow walking (less than 2 km / h), as at this rate there is no distance burning calories. Recall that the average human walking speed - about 5 km / h.

In addition to counting steps Fitstep will show you the number of calories burned and distance traveled. To do this, you must configure a pedometer to make the length of your step and your weight. Calories are calculated according to the formula recommended by the World Health Organization, and depend on the weight and number of steps. Rasstonie considered simply as the product of the number of steps on the step length.

The lack of an accelerometer or GPS, typical for other pedometers allows Fitstep powered by a normal watch battery, which lasts for 3-6 months of active use.

The device is actively sold worldwide, so it can display the distance traveled in miles or kilometers.

The accuracy of counting steps

We tested the basic function Fitstep - counting steps. Surprisingly, it was found that despite the low price and simple design pedometer counts steps fairly accurately. 1000 traversed steps (namely, so I can calculate in his mind) a pedometer counted 1009 This is a good result because, for example, pedometers bracelets (on the hand) yield an error of 15-20% due to the fact that the movements hands prevent them recognize the move.


If you do not have a smartphone and you need a simple and reliable solution, Fitstep for you - at the time. I, as owner of the iPhone is difficult to part with your favorite fitness bracelet, even though it performs worse than its main function. Fitstep has no application to your phone or computer, although the older generation is more of a plus.