Friday, February 20, 2015

Sony, "to improve the sound quality," announced the luxury microSD card. Thorough noise reduction, about ¥ 18,500 in 64GB

Sony has announced the microSDXC card SR-64HXA sing for music. We aim to reduce electrical noise, and is the "ideal for high-resolution corresponding Walkman" microSD card "high-quality playback for".
Recently, with the spread of high-resolution sound source, corresponding portable player, portable headphone amplifier, has been further released a large number of such high-quality headphone that sing the high-resolution support.

Micro SD Card

Sony last year, high resolution corresponding Walkman NW-A16 / A17 was announced. For the first time is provided with a microSD slot as Walkman, we are possible to provide sufficient storage capacity to a large high-resolution sound source of file size.

However According to Sony, when reproducing the sound from microSD card than the playback from internal storage slightly it to the sound quality was found to be degraded. It has been that it was due to weak electrical noise generated in the microSD card rather than the SD card slot problem.
For this reason Sony while checking the sound quality at the time of reproduction, change the microSD card inside of parts in the configuration stability and a high noise less. By giving priority to the stability of the electric signal than the data transfer rate, it has to have developed high-quality reproduction can be microSDXC card SR-64HXA.

According to Sony's claim, the sound quality is "during playback on portable players, music data of the original smooth sound of connection and clear sound field spread, Tsubudachi, freshness, such as" things and can be reproduced.

However, the problem is that you can recognize the difference in the purchaser of the ear. Since the sound quality is a subjective evaluation, also depends on the person how I feel of that difference. Sony compares the noise radiation strength of conventional and SR-64HXA, even in objective numerical we appeal to low-noise, but it is also possible to check whether there is really a difference in their own ear before you buy, if possible want it is a place.
It should be noted that, as a benefit to the SR-64HXA purchaser, data recovery software for when the sound source data is no longer be read in the failure of the SD card "Memory card file rescue" is provided download.

Release Date is March 5. This is the open price, but expected the actual sales price of ¥ 18,500 before and after. Conversion adapter to a standard SD card size is attached.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fifth largest PHILIPS Fidelio S2

Fifth largest PHILIPS Fidelio S2

PHILIPS has been made a lot of products in affordable price range, such as cheap earphone "SHE9710" that was introduced in introduction. Renewed such a image, high-end series to make the PHILIPS, it is Fidelio series.

Fidelio series of earphone headphone is sticking to normal even design and sound compared to the commodity, has gained popularity in the consent of the packaging that seems to be even a price of slightly higher "cheap".

S2 is in the top-level model of Fidelio series of earphones, features a copper alloy is used for the housing (body), we have both a damping action and unique sound. Processing of housing is very polite, almost like a coating of pottery.

PHILIPS of technology has been unsparingly turned on to the driver (mechanism to issue a sound). Before and after the 13.5mm large driver of, adopted a filter with a corrugation (folds). By controlling the behavior of the driver in this filter, we also finished in the low range in good exquisite and the missing in the clear while there are powerful.

In addition, to eliminate the unpleasant Komori be in semi-open, it has become a natural sound. Leaks slightly sound but I can say with earphone that would ring the natural sound of the open type, in the canal type.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Digital Tattoo: how without injections measure blood glucose levels

Digital Tattoo: how without injections measure blood glucose levels

without injection tattoo

Engineers at the University of California at San Diego have developed a unique and innovative technology that allows without injections to determine the level of glucose in the blood. It is sufficient to use a small sticker - "digital tattoo", provides results within 10 minutes.

with digital tattoo

Despite the development of technologies, including medical and, to date, medical Glucose forced to take blood from a patient for analysis using a special syringe or needle. However, in the next few years this practice could be phased out, as has already developed a technology that allows you to know the result without injections.

California engineers specializing in nanotechnology have created a device called Temporary Tattoo (Temporary tattoo) - a small transparent and flexible sticker that can be attached to the free portion of the human skin. This device will stimulate a surface with a very soft and totally imperceptible electric current for ten minutes. Temporary Tattoo operates on the principle of reverse iontoforicheskoy extraction that allows you to quickly and accurately enough to determine the level of glucose in the blood.

However, at the moment "digital tattoo» Temporary Tattoo does not have a built-in interface for reading and information transfer - to decrypt the data you need to connect the device to a special apparatus. However, in the future, the creators of this patch are going to equip it with Bluetooth-transmitter. This allows the patient by sending the data smartphone glucose level in his blood directly physician. And a person can carry out measurements at home or at work, without resorting to the services of the hospital laboratory. 

Robot Beachbot creates large-scale paintings on the sandy beaches

Robot Beachbot creates large-scale paintings on the sandy beaches

Engineers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Research Center in Zurich Disney created a robot Beachbot, which causes gigantic figures in the sand.

The original pattern can be created on the mobile device, and then transferred to the robot. The picture is written in the sand about 10 minutes. However, the speed of the largely affects the complexity of the pattern, as well as some external circumstances. In order to create the image, the robot uses a special rake.

In Beachbot embedded computer, Wi-Fi, inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a laser scanner. Four Lighthouse in the sand determine the limits of the canvas. Robot builds coordinate system and finds its position in it. All his movements are carried out with millimeter precision.

As designers say the most difficult part of the project was the work on the creation of algorithms to convert the original image into the path of movement of the three-wheeled Beachbot. Special attention, according to the site , experts have given the fact that in the body of the robot does not hit the sand particles.

At this point Beachbot paints on canvas measuring 10 x 10 meters. But if necessary, the working area can be increased up to one kilometer. BeachBot already been tested on one of the beaches. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Akodara - the first digital village in India

Indian Bank Icici Bank directs a portion of their income to charity. One of the new projects of this financial institution is to turn the remote rural communities of the state of Gujarat in technological development town, 'digital' village.

first digital village in aisia

One of the main ideas of the ruling, aimed at overcoming the generalized poverty in the poorest countries of the world, offers to provide more people with computers and Internet access. It is not only the standard of living in the country affects the development of modern technologies in it, there is also a reverse process. And India - a good example.

It is not just the rich city of Bangalore, which, thanks to a highly IT-industry called the "Silicon Valley of India". Similar processes take place across the country - the universal penetration of digital technology can significantly raise the standard of living even the poorest people.

Realizing this, the Indian Bank Icici Bank decided to hold a charity experiment, in which the rural community in Gujarat Akodara gradually turns into a "digital" village.

Icici Bank has provided all the inhabitants of the village access to the Internet has given them the opportunity to bank accounts and use them online. All calculations in Akodare now held exclusively in non-cash form.

With access to a global network, the residents of this village can receive distance education at all levels, as well as primary medical advice from doctors practicing in urban clinics.

The introduction of these innovations allowed the authors to the idea of ​​"digital" village claim that with today's technology they were able to negate the boundary between urban and rural areas, to allow residents of even the most poor and remote village all the features possessed by the inhabitants of multimillion cities.